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This Concept Map has information related to: Zoom-Cancer-Liver, Liver Cancer (Hepatoma) symptoms 1. Weight Loss & Fever 2. Decreased Appetite & feelings of fullness 3. Altered Mental State (feeling of tiredness) 4. Sudden Ascites (Abdominal Fluid & Swollen Abdomen) 5. A Lump or feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen 6. Jaundice (Yellow color of skin & eye, Pale stools, Dark Urine) 7. Muscle Wasting without causative factors (say, Alcohol consumption) 8. Pain in the right side of upper abdomen 9. Nausea & Vomiting, Liver Cancer (Hepatoma) is prevented by Regular medical Checkups; Avoid Alcohol, Fat diets;, Liver Cancer (Hepatoma) caused by 1. Alcohol abuse, Obesity, Diabetes 2. Chronic Hepatitis B Infection 3. Hepatitis C Infection 4. Fatty Liver (not treated) 5. Liver Cirrhosis 6. Aflatoxin B1 (cancer forming chemical product of mold, found in food that was stored in a hot and humid environment e.g., peanuts, rice, soybean, corn, wheat) 7. Hemochromatosis (Hereditary), Liver Cancer (Hepatoma) is The most Common Cancer in the world. It is vascular (containing many blood vessels) tumor., Liver Cancer (Hepatoma) treatment Consult Doctor (Oncologist); Normally discovered at a very advanced stage of disease; * Diagnosis & Locating Tumor by: Blood Test: Alpha-Feto-Protein (AFP) [High AFP over 500ng/ml], Elevated Liver Tests (Bilirubin/Transaminase), Reduced Albumin, Elevated Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Low Serum Sodium; * Staging (spread) Test by: Ultrasound, CT, MRI Liver Biopsy/Aspiration Treatment: Drug-Sorafenib(Nexavar) Pill, Chemotherapy, Biotherapy, Chemoembolization (TACE), Radioembolization, Radiofrequency Ablation, Percutaneous Ethanol (Alcohol) Injection, Liver Transplantation