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This Concept Map has information related to: Zoom-Piles-Hemorrhoids, Piles or Hemorrhoids prevention Treat chronic Constipation, Eat adequate fibre-foods: leafy vegetables, Beans, Whole grains, fruits, Carrots, Bananas, Dried Figs, Peas, brown rice, wheat, barley, oats etc.; Daily Drink 3-4 Ltr Water. Eat natural Laxative: Dates. Avoid Processed/Fast Food, Avoid Fat Diet, Don't sit on toilet for long time., Internal Hemorrhoids are 1. Swollen veins inside rectum. 2. Clumps of Tissue within the Aanal Canal containing Blood Vessels, Muscle and elastic fibres., Piles or Hemorrhoids of types External Hemorrhoids, Piles or Hemorrhoids caused by Increased pressure in the veins of anus or rectum. Straining when trying to have a bowel movement due to constipation, diarrhea. Taking low fibre food/ fast food, Prolonged sitting on the toilet, Chronic Constipation, Pregnancy, Tumors in the Pelvis., Piles or Hemorrhoids treatment Consult Doctor; It is important to exclude other diseases of Anus and Rectum that may cause similar symptoms such as Polyps, Cancer and Skin Diseases. Treatment- Over the counter Creams/Oinments (hazel or hydroco- rtisone) to relieve pain, itching. Sclerotherapy, Rubber band Ligation, Heat Coagulation, Cryotherapy, Anal Dilation, Doppler Ligation, Sphincterotomy, Surgical Hemo- rrhoidectomy, Stapled Hemorr- hoidectomy., Internal Hemorrhoids symptoms Problems when they enlarge:- 1. Painless Bleeding 2. Anal Itchiness. 3. Incarceration. 4. Gangrene., Piles or Hemorrhoids of types Internal Hemorrhoids, Piles or Hemorrhoids of types Prolapsed Hemorrhoids, External Hemorrhoids symptoms 1.They may be Itchy. 2. Can be Painful due to Blood Clotting in the hemorrhoidal blood vessels. 3. Can sometimes Crack and Bleed., Piles or Hemorrhoids are Swollen veins in rectum or anus